Name | Description | Idle | Links |
CIRD init-rd/fs | initial rd/fs for passwordless boot from encrypted root using the smartcard | 14 years | summarylogtree |
NetworkManager-WiFi-WebUI | Web interface (python2/twisted) for NetworkManager daemon to manage WiFi connections | 15 months | summarylogtree |
RAD menu | standalone radial menus implementation | 16 years | summarylogtree |
WNxSPADS | WN branch of SPADS (spring RTS autohost) | | summarylogtree |
acme-cert-tool | Simple one-stop tool to manage X.509/TLS certs and all the ACME CA authorization stuff | 7 days | summarylogtree |
apparmor-profiles | generic apparmor profiles for binary or dangerous apps | 2 weeks | summarylogtree |
archlinux-pkgbuilds | Arch Linux PKGBUILD scripts not included in main Arch repos that I use | 2 months | summarylogtree |
aura | desktop background setter with emphasis on image processing (liquid rescale, label). | 5 years | summarylogtree |
blog | Source for | 5 days | summarylogtree |
bordercamp-irc-bot | Python/twisted IRC bot, mainly for monitoring/notification purposes | 5 years | summarylogtree |
ca-certificates-whitelist-filter | Tool to filter system-wide trusted Web PKI TLS Certificate Authorities in linux distros on a whiteli... | 8 months | summarylogtree |
cfs | simple distributed filesystem in python, based on Pyro4, gevent, mongodb and user_xattrs | 13 years | summarylogtree |
cgroup-tools | a set of tools to work with cgroup tree and processes classification/QoS, according to it | 5 years | summarylogtree |
codetag | A tool to index and tag local code using tmsu | 5 years | summarylogtree |
configit | git-based cluster control solution | 16 years | summarylogtree |
conntrack-logger | Tool to log conntrack flows and associated process/service info | 8 years | summarylogtree |
convergence | Integration repo for various forks and non-merged patches for Convergence floating around | 10 years | summarylogtree |
dbus-lastfm-scrobbler | DBus service (API) to scrobble tracks to (or API-compatible services, via pylast) | 13 years | summarylogtree |
de-setup | my desktop environment setup | 5 weeks | summarylogtree |
distfiles-convergence | Tool to verify integrity of the local source tarballs (or distfiles) by mirror network consensus | 11 years | summarylogtree |
django-remotestorage | Unhosted remoteStorage server implementation | 12 years | summarylogtree |
dns2udp | python/twisted script to proxy UDP traffic over DNS (TXT) queries | 11 years | summarylogtree |
dracut-crypt-sshd | dracut initramfs module to start sshd on early boot to enter encryption passphrase from across the i... | 9 years | summarylogtree |
dspam-milter | pymilter-based daemon to safely classify email using dspam | 8 years | summarylogtree |
emacs-setup | my weird emacs configuration | 5 weeks | summarylogtree |
email-event-aggregator-sieve | Sieve hook script to aggregate and keep track of repeated event notification emails | 10 years | summarylogtree |
feedjack | feedparser-based feed aggregation django app | 9 years | summarylogtree |
feedjack-wordpress-export | Django app to export RSS/Atom feeds processed by Feedjack to WordPress | 12 years | summarylogtree |
fg_exheres | collection of exheres scripts for building/installing software on Exherbo Linux | 10 years | summarylogtree |
fg_overlay | my gentoo portage overlay (unmaintained - I dont use gentoo anymore) | 14 years | summarylogtree |
fgc toolkit | py stdlib utility extensions | 9 years | summarylogtree |
fgtk | A set of a misc tools for files and their contents manipulation | 3 days | summarylogtree |
firefox-homepage-generator | tool to generate a dynamic version of a firefox "homepage" with tag cloud of bookmarks and a backlog | 8 years | summarylogtree |
fs-bitrot-scrubber | Tool to detect userspace-visible changes to (supposedly) at-rest data | 15 months | summarylogtree |
games | Misc game-related tweaks and tools that I tend to write | 23 months | summarylogtree |
ghg | Simple GnuPG replacement for file encryption, based on python-libnacl crypto primitives | 12 months | summarylogtree |
git-nerps | Tool to encrypt and manage selected files (or parts of files) under git repository | 9 months | summarylogtree |
gitolite-ssh-user-proxy | Custom shell+trigger to proxy ssh connection to gitolite user@host through a proxy/bastion host secu... | 13 months | summarylogtree |
gmond-amqp-graphite | daemon to pull xml data from a cluster of gmond nodes and push them to graphite via amqp | 13 years | summarylogtree |
graphite-metrics | Standalone graphite collectors for various stuff not (or poorly) handled by other monitoring daemons | 10 years | summarylogtree |
gst-yaml-pipeline | Python 3.x script to build GStreamer pipeline from YAML configuration file and run it | 8 years | summarylogtree |
hwctl | Local hardware-control setup using microcontrollers as peripherals | 20 min. | summarylogtree |
image-deduplication-tool | tool to detect (and get rid of) similar images using perceptual hashing (pHash lib) | 8 years | summarylogtree |
incremetal-disk-compare-and-sync | Tool to build/maintain hash-map of source file/dev/image blocks and incrementally sync those with le... | 2 months | summarylogtree |
infinite-image-scroller | Python3/Gtk3 script to scroll images endlessly across the window | 18 months | summarylogtree |
kelp | Personal ircd for hosting various asyncio notification bots | 2 weeks | summarylogtree |
layered-yaml-attrdict-config | YAML-based configuration module with object-attribute style access, ordering and recursive ops | 4 years | summarylogtree |
meteo-forcast-graphite-scraper | set of scripts to fetch meteorological data into graphite time-series storage | 10 years | summarylogtree |
mpy-mhz19-co2-eink-logger | CO2 sensor device with timestamped log of its measurements on a persistent eInk screen | 5 weeks | summarylogtree |
name-based-routing-policy-controller | Tool for monitoring service availibility and policy-routing around the issues | 9 months | summarylogtree |
nfc-epaper-writer | Android app for WaveShare passive NFC-powered E-Ink displays, to generate and update content | | summarylogtree |
nflog-zmq-pcap-pipe | Tool to collect nflog and pipe it to a pcap stream/file over network (0mq) for real-time (or close t... | 10 years | summarylogtree |
nginx-stat-check | Simple nginx module that returns 403 if stat() of specified path succeeds | 5 years | summarylogtree |
notification-thing | python-based advanced notification-daemon | 15 months | summarylogtree |
onedrive-fuse-fs | Script to mount Microsoft OneDrive folder as a FUSE filesystem | 9 years | summarylogtree |
planetscape | Script to render network-related data to a world map | 10 years | summarylogtree |
pulseaudio-mixer-cli | simple python/dbus/ncurses pulseaudio volume control, focused on individual audio streams | 4 weeks | summarylogtree |
python-libraptorq | Python CFFI bindings for libRaptorQ (RaptorQ RFC6330 FEC implementation) | 7 years | summarylogtree |
python-onedrive | Python interface to OneDrive API v5.0 | 9 years | summarylogtree |
python-pulse-control | Python ctypes bindings for pulseaudio (libpulse) | 6 weeks | summarylogtree |
reliable-discord-client-irc-daemon | Reliable personal discord-client to irc-server translation daemon | 13 days | summarylogtree |
rp2040-sen5x-air-quality-webui-monitor | Simple micropython air quality data exporter/WebUI using RP2040 and SEN5x sensor | 5 months | summarylogtree |
rst-icalendar-event-tracker | Script to check/generate iCalendar entries from markup in ReST (.rst) files | 9 months | summarylogtree |
scapy-nflog-capture | Driver for scapy to allow capturing packets via Linux NFLOG interface | 2 years | summarylogtree |
sht-sensor | Python driver and command-line tool for Sensirion SHT1x and SHT7x sensors connected to GPIO pins | 3 years | summarylogtree |
skype-space | Headless desktop setup just for proxying skype | 10 years | summarylogtree |
systemd-cgroup-nftables-policy-manager | Tool to add/update nftables cgroupv2 rules for systemd-managed unit cgroups | 2 weeks | summarylogtree |
systemd-password-agent | python implementation of a systemd password agent interface | 8 years | summarylogtree |
tahoe-lafs-public-clouds | tahoe-lafs backend drivers for no-cost cloud provider | 10 years | summarylogtree |
tails-offline-docs-bundle-builder-dockerfile | Dockerfile to build offline copy of documentation website for Tails privacy-focused portable operati... | 2 years | summarylogtree |
tcp-connection-hijack-reset | Simple scapy-based tool to hijack and reset existing TCP connections | 12 years | summarylogtree |
tinydns-dynamic-dns-updater | Tool to generate and keep tinydns zone file with dynamic dns entries for remote hosts | 6 years | summarylogtree |
trilobite | iptables wrapper for easy management of dual-stack (ipv4/ipv6) firewall configuration | 8 years | summarylogtree |
txboxdotnet | Twisted-based python async interface for Box ( API v2.0 | 10 years | summarylogtree |
txonedrive | Twisted-based python async interface for MS OneDrive API v5.0 | 9 years | summarylogtree |
txu1 | Twisted-based async interface for Ubuntu One Files Cloud REST API v1 | 12 years | summarylogtree |
unified2 | Pure-python parser for IDS unified2 binary log format | 9 years | summarylogtree |
urbus-map-enhanced | better interface to local (Yekaterinburg, RU) public transport real-time (position) data | 13 years | summarylogtree |
waterfox | Various extensions and hacks that I use with Mozilla Firefox browser forks like Waterfox | 4 days | summarylogtree |
yapps | Yet Another Python Parser System | 11 years | summarylogtree |
zebrapig-helpers | Misc scripts related to exherbo development process | 13 years | summarylogtree |