aka my homepage


This is my small homepage with various personal/contact info and links.

(Romanized) Name:Mike Kazantsev
Age:around since 1985-07-28
Public Email:
Chats: mk-fg on OFTC/ IRCs, mk_fg on Discord, (Telegram), (Matrix)

I mostly tinker with FOSS software stacks, networks, electronics/embedded, hike or play/mod long SP games.
Usually go by "mk-fg" or "FraGGod" (old gamer tag) on the internets, feel free to say hi wherever you spot it.
See github and blog for some broad info on what I'm currently up to.

Work stuff

Mostly work as some kind of developer/sysadmin for linux stuff, with networks, clouds or quite often quasi-embedded ARM boards, sometimes involving kernel hacking, loads of data, making UIs, Web and WebUIs (a kind you make with d3.js).
Worked as a webdev and later on systems software and broad devops stuff with racks of highload server/database infrastructure at past dayjobs. Don't really miss these.
If you found this wrt some old, current or new contract, drop an email anytime.

This IPv4 / IPv6 / Host

Page is hosted on some shoddy home server and uplink, so might not be around all the time.
If here due to this address popping-up in any unexpected places, please do let me know.

Public Keys

Long-term cryptographic keys that can be used for some kind of initial access/contact or validation.
For ssh and tools like age: ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIMaN55jjoXpzPzs8daxrZGWEpGMdKvLVPIyff/ngA24F
git commit signing: ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIGDayimMm5OBGsIhhY4MfDOBDq8d5ptWS3HXb1Un4riE Tend to create ad-hoc FIDO2-backed keys for different common day-to-day uses these days.

Thanks for stopping by :)