aka my homepage
This is my small homepage with various personal/contact info and links.
(Romanized) Name: | Mike Kazantsev |
Age: | around since 1985-07-28 |
Public Email: | |
Chats: | mk-fg on OFTC/ IRCs, mk_fg on Discord, (Telegram) |
I mostly tinker with FOSS software stacks, networks, electronics/embedded, hike or play/mod long SP games.
Usually go by "mk-fg" or "FraGGod" (old gamer tag) on the internets, feel free to say hi wherever you spot it.
See github
and blog for some broad info on what I'm currently up to.
- Blog - for posts about new projects and interesting tricks
- Local CGit and Github / Codeberg mirrors - code projects
- Static Files - old one-off scraps, patches, legacy redirects
Work stuff
Mostly work as some kind of developer/sysadmin for linux stuff,
with networks, clouds or quite often quasi-embedded ARM boards, sometimes
involving kernel hacking, loads of data, making UIs, Web and WebUIs (a kind you make with d3.js).
Worked as a webdev and later on systems software and broad devops stuff with
racks of highload server/database infrastructure at past dayjobs. Don't really miss these.
If you found this wrt some old, current or new contract, drop an email anytime.
This IPv4 / IPv6 / Host
Page is hosted on some shoddy home server and uplink, so might not be around all the time.
If here due to this address popping-up in any unexpected places, please do let me know.
Public Keys
Long-term cryptographic keys that can be used for some kind of initial access/contact or validation.
For ssh and tools like age:
ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIMaN55jjoXpzPzs8daxrZGWEpGMdKvLVPIyff/ngA24F
git commit signing:
ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIGDayimMm5OBGsIhhY4MfDOBDq8d5ptWS3HXb1Un4riE
Tend to create ad-hoc FIDO2-backed keys for different common day-to-day uses these days.